C/C++ Interactive Reference Guide
C-C++ Interactive Reference Guide.iso
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Assembly Source File
279 lines
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title **** DIRGT.ASM ***
comment *
03-06-85 by Thomas E. Link
If using LATTICE C delete that line.
workstruc struc
dircount dw (?)
dos_version db (?)
filler db (?)
saved_sp dw (?)
fcb db 48 dup (?)
dta db 48 dup (?)
workstruc ends
stack struc ; Define the stack area for C.
workarea db type workstruc dup (?)
pushed_bp dw (?)
address dw (?)
countnumad dw (?)
volstrgad dw (?)
dirrecarad dw (?)
lookstringad dw (?)
stack ends
poplen equ 0
_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
_DATA ends
dgroup group _data
assume ds:dgroup
pgroup group _text
assume CS:pgroup
_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
public _DIRGET
_DIRGET proc near
cld ; Clear direction flag.
push bp
mov bp,sp ; Point to arguments on stack.
push di
push si
sub bp,type workstruc ; Give us room to work
mov [bp].saved_sp,sp ; Save the stack pointer
mov sp,bp ; and move it below workarea.
mov [bp].dircount,0 ; Move zero to directory count.
;----------------- determine DOS version, store in variable
mov ah,48 ; find DOS version number
int 21h
mov [bp].dos_version,al ; and store in variable
;----------------- parse filename
mov ax,ss
mov es,ax ; Have ES point at STACK **************
mov di,bp ; and DI point
add di,offset fcb ; to FCB area.
mov si,[bp].lookstringad ; Point SI at file specifier
mov ah,29H ; DOS function to parse filename
mov al,1 ; scan off leading separators
int 21H ; DOS function call
push ds ; Get DATA seg into ES.***************
pop es
cmp al,0FFH ; Any errors on parsing ?
jne dir2 ; No - continue
jmp done ; YES - end.
;----------------- get addresses of the parms
mov dx,bp ; Put address of workspace into DX
add dx,offset dta ; Bump to DTA
push ds ; Save value of DS
mov ax,ss ; and move STACK into DS.**************
mov ds,ax
mov ah,1AH ; Set AH for *SET DTA* function call.
int 21H ; Use DOS interrupt.
cmp [bp].dos_version,2 ; if DOS 2.0 or greater
jae dos2_search ; use special routine
;----------------- DOS 1.0, 1.1 search
mov dx,bp ; Point DX at workspace
add dx,offset fcb ; bump to FCB area.
mov ah,11H ; Set AH for directory search.
int 21H ; Use DOS interrupt.
cmp al,0FFH ; Any matches found ?
je done1 ; No - so end
inc [bp].dircount ; Yes - count first entry.
call move ; Go move entry into fnames().
mov ah,12H ; Set AH for continuation of search.
int 21H ; Use DOS interrupt.
cmp al,0FFH ; Any matches found ?
je done1 ; No - jump to exit
inc [bp].dircount ; Yes - count this entry.
call move ; Go move entry into arrays.
jmp dirloop ; Do again.
;----------------- DOS 2.x search
mov dx,[bp].lookstringad ; Point DX at file specifier
mov ah,4EH ; Set AH for directory search.
mov cx,10H ; search for files and directories.
int 21H ; Use DOS interrupt.
jc findlabel ; No matches - so look for a label
inc [bp].dircount ; found - count first entry.
call move2 ; Go move entry into arrays.
mov cx,10H
mov ah,4FH ; Set AH for continuation of search.
int 21H ; Use DOS interrupt.
jc findlabel ; No matches - so look for a label
inc [bp].dircount ; match - count this entry.
call move2 ; Go move entry into arrays.
jmp dir2loop ; Do again.
call get_label ; look for a volume label
pop ds ; restore DS to DATA ****************
mov ax,[bp].dircount ; Move entries count to AX.
mov di,[bp].countnumad ; Get address of COUNT%
mov [di],ax ; Put entry count in COUNT%.
mov sp,[bp].saved_sp ; Restore SP.
pop si
pop di
pop bp ; Restore BP.
ret poplen ; Return and throw away parms if PASCAL
;----------------- procedure to store results from DOS 1.x search
move proc near
;----------------- first move filename into string array
mov di,[bp].dirrecarad ; Move name address to DI and BX.
mov bx,di
add bx,20 ; Have BX point at next record
mov [bp].dirrecarad,bx ; and save in variable
mov si,bp
add si,offset dta+1 ; put file name(in DTA) address into SI
mov cx,4 ; Length of name in words
rep movsw ; Move name into array.
mov byte ptr [di],'.' ; Put period in filename.
inc di ; Bump DI past '.'
mov cx,3 ; Length of extension in bytes
rep movsb ; Move extension into array.
;----------------- get the file time into array
add si,11 ; move to file time area
movsw ; Move time into array.
;----------------- get the file date into array
movsw ; Move size into array.
;----------------- get the file length into array
add si,2 ; Point SI at file size.
movsw ; Move size into array.
move endp
;----------------- procedure to store results of DOS 2.x search
move2 proc near
;----------------- first get the file time into array
mov si,bp
add si,offset dta +22 ; Point AX at DTA + 22
mov bx,[bp].dirrecarad ; Move record address to BX and DI.
mov di,bx
add di,12 ; Bump DI to time.
movsw ; Move time into array.
;----------------- now get the file date into array
movsw ; Move size into array.
;----------------- get the file length into array
movsw ; Move size into array.
;----------------- move filename into string array
mov di,bx ; Point DI at name.
add bx,20 ; Bump BX to next record.
mov [bp].dirrecarad,bx ; Save it in variable space.
mov cx,8 ; Length of name in bytes
lodsb ; Move character into al
cmp al,'.' ; If is it a period ... jump.
je move202
cmp al,0 ; If zero - dont jump.
jne move201A
add cx,4
mov al,' ' ; Fill with spaces
rep stosb ; till 12 characters filled.
jmp move203 ; Skip to subdir check.
stosb ; A character - store it in output string
loop move201
inc si ; We found 8 characters - bump SI past .
jmp move2020
mov al,' ' ; Pad short name with spaces.
rep stosb
inc di
mov cx,3 ; Length of extension in bytes
lodsb ; Move character into AL.
cmp al,0 ; Is it a zero ?
je move202B ; Yes .. jump.
stosb ; No .. Store it and loop
loop move202A
jmp move203
mov al,' '
rep stosb
mov byte ptr[di]-4,'.' ; Store a period.
cmp byte ptr [bp].dta+21,10H ; is it a subdirectory ?
jne move23 ; no - jump
std ; change direction to decrement SI and DI
dec di ; Back up to last character of extension
mov cx,3 ; Store `...' as the extension name when
mov al,'.' ; a subdirectory entry.
rep stosb
cld ; clear direction flag (increment)
move2 endp
get_label proc near ;Display the label for the
;disk in the selected drive
push es ; Save ES
push ss ; Get STACK into ES **************
pop es
;----------------- first change the FCB to an extended FCB
mov di,bp
add di,offset fcb ; Move FCB address to DI
mov dx,di ; And also put into DX.
mov al,byte ptr[di] ; Get drive id
mov byte ptr [di+7],al ; move it to offset 7
mov byte ptr [di],0FFH ; indicate extended FCB
inc di
mov cx,5 ; Store 5 zeros
xor al,al
rep stosb
mov byte ptr [di],08H ; Store volume attribute
inc di
inc di ; bump past drive id
mov cx,11
mov al,'?' ; Store 11 `?' in filename
rep stosb
mov cx,25 ; End with 25 zeros
xor al,al
rep stosb
pop es ; restore ES
;----------------- now search for volume
mov ah,11H ; using DOS function 11H
int 21h
cmp al,0FFH ;any volume label found?
je get_label2 ;no,jump
;----------------- store volume name in variable
mov di,[bp].volstrgad ; Point DI at VOLUMES
mov si,bp
add si,offset dta +8; Point AX at File name in DTA
mov cx,11 ; Length of name in bytes
rep movsb ; Move name into string
get_label endp
_dirget endp
_text ends